Saturday, February 14, 2009

Digital Collage #3 - the letter

Another digital collage attempt. It is definitely a learning process. The really nice thing is that you can keep what you want and delete the bad stuff. I am really having fun and learning a lot. I have been rather intimidated by some of the things and just decided to go for it. I have tons to try out and learn, but I figure a little every day or every couple of days, and in no time I will have mastered a few things. Suggestions, tutorial, comments wanted and needed.


  1. I love your digital work. Something I have not been able to figure out. One day I will do a course in it. Where do you get your vitage images?

  2. Thank you mischief maker, the vintage images come from everywhere, some are mine that I have been buying at thrift shops and antique stores for years[check my freebies archives I give them away for personal use], some come from friends, and some from freebies from fellow bloggers.

  3. Oh my! This is so lovely!
    I do not digiart, but that's on my "to learn" list! Thanks for sharing.

  4. i like your digital collages they have a nostalgic feel to them...but i like the texture a put together collage has too...
    i must say
    there IS quite the learning process to creating the digital collages

    nice job

  5. Mar I agree - the texture in a hand made collage is so rich. I am trying to figure out if there is a way to increase the texture aspect in these digital collages.

  6. Really love these collages you are doing ...... Linda F

  7. This is absolutely gorgeous! I have no idea how to do it but you sure look like a pro to me!!!


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.