Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Guess who is here?

Mr. Robin and all of his friends, relatives, and neighbors showed up last Thursday. I awoke to this incredible noise. I threw on my robe and went to the window to see what was making all the noise. It was hundreds of Robins. They were in my side yards, the backyard, the front yard, on my gutters, in my bushes, across the street. Every where I have hollies and wax myrtles. This started about three years ago, once my bushes had started to mature and made berries. We are on their migratory path. They show up here for a couple of weeks and eat us out of house and home. Then they take off for their nesting spots farther north. Some stay for the whole year, but most are gone by mid March.

These are just a few of the Robins in a tree out in the front. This is not the clearest of pictures. I had to take this through the window. They do not like me to come out on the front porch. This tree is surrounded by holly bushes so they would dive bomb them....for hours. If someone got to close they would swarm off only to return when the coast was clear. They have been here every day since. All day.

Here is an even dozen. The ground all over my yard and my neighbors yard is covered with robins. This was taken through the side window at my house in the side front. Off to the left is a group of mature wax myrtles. They have been sleeping in there at night. Good news is spring is around the corner.


  1. beautiful art work posted!
    i can't beleive all the robins you have-amazing! i have yet to see one here in Ct. i am sure soon tho :)
    thanks for sharing
    enjoy your day
    tabby :)

  2. To see that many Robins must be an amazing site.

  3. so glad to hear that spring is really on the way! the robins should be making their way to Ohio soon...really ready for the snow to be over! I always enjoy my visits to your blog...wonderful photos and artwork. thanks!

  4. the red winged blackbirds were singing this morning--they're back!

    spring is at hand . . .

  5. OH what a thrill AND they are good luck too! You have lots of it! I am enjoying playing catch up on your blog! So many lovely posts while we were away. Thank you for your nice comment on my Magpie's Nest! It was very refreshing and a little hard to touch down to reality a week later even after returning :)

  6. Wow! I've never seen so many Robins in one place! What a cool photo to see. I can't wait for them to get back here! I hope they don't come back too soon, it's still too cold up here!

  7. What a wonderful experience to have that many robins visit you at a time... the best lead-in to spring!


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