Saturday, February 7, 2009

Road trip - Antique heads

Lovely vintage hat with velvet flowers.

Very sophisticated, the chic hair and hat, fur and all.

Love the hair and orange earrings. Styles are changing.

She is my favorite, so sad, so beautiful. Wrapped in fur from head to toe.

Spent several days antiquing through the mountains. Huge variety of things and prices. Some places you had to wonder who was doing the pricing. Retail prices. Other places were under valuing things. Deals were there to be made. Where we couldn't deal, they were kind enough to let me take pictures.

These heads were in a small mountain town. The owner was not parting with them for love or money. She had them all dressed up and displayed beautifully. I fell in love with the last one. So wonderful. I tried my very best to come home with her but it wasn't happening. I was so glad when she said I could take a few pictures. Sometimes that is even better.

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