Friday, February 6, 2009

Road trip - Random Arts

The first thing you see when you get to Random Arts is this sweet mailbox. What a pleasure to deliver mail to this box it must be.

This is Jane, the proprietress. She does not hold still for even a few seconds. She is high energy.
She did not get her coat off for the first 45 minutes or so. She is one of those wonderful people that makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world. A memory like an elephant.

This is Patti Digh reading to us. I was so thrilled when we got there to find out it wasn't just a book signing but a reading also. There was not a dry eye in the room by the time she finished. It was so nice to listen to her read her essay's. She has a sweet, calm, very nurturing voice. Just one of those honest "Here I am " people. Patti is from North Carolina and lives in the Mountains with her husband and daughters. We were so lucky to be able to meet her husband and youngest daughter. Tess had written a spider story just for us. [ Following in Mom's footsteps.]
Patti turns fifty this year and has a wonderful giveaway on her blog. Also, her blog is just inspirational - 37 Days is the name of her blog. Just click and it will take you there.

After the reading was book signing, shopping and refreshments. Teal is Patti's favorite color so someone made these yummy cupcakes.

A wonderful time was had by all. The day was warm and the air crisp, the mountains were tinged with blue - hence the name "Blue Ridge Mountains", the reading was uplifting to say the least. On to lunch and a little more antiquing...


  1. I am so touched by your comments in this and your earlier post about Life is a Verb. And so overwhelmed that you included me in your fabulous road trip agenda! There could be no praise higher for me than this: "Just one of those honest "Here I am" people" - my thanks! I'm looking forward to our paths crossing again! With love...

  2. I, too, love Random Arts and Jane! What a welcoming, encouraging, and creative person she is!

  3. Elizabeth, what a sweet blog post about Random Arts. That was so nice of you . thank you so much and it was really nice to see you again. Looking as beautiful as ever. And... thanks for making the cross state trip all the way to our beautiful blue ridge mountains.


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