Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spreading that Pink Feeling....

Woman with Parasol

I got this wonderful picture from one of my blogging friends Aimeslee today. She had seen some of my pink and thought this painting by the French sculptor, Aristide Maillol would be right up my alley. It is a life size portrait that the critics found to lack "depth". So, he was a better sculptor than painter, but we all have to start somewhere. Living here on the coast I actually find this portrait to be quite endearing. Thank you so much Aimeslee for thinking of me and sending me this picture. This is my pink for today. Share something with a friend and see if you don't feel pink.


  1. Hi Elizabeth, I am really enjoying your blog. I find it very interesting as each day is unique. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful picture Elizabeth!
    I know its hard to go to walmart or drive a car in a dress like that...but would love to wear one like
    Sometimes I long for those times where people were wearing cloths like this, then again sometimes jeans are just
    Thanks for sharing..

  3. Wow, Elizabeth, you keyed in on just the right touches, too. I'm not just pink, I'm TICKLED pink, lol. So glad you liked her. Whenever I look at my framed print on my wall, I will think of you and your grace, and your coastal beach. I'm naming her Elizabeth. {hugs}, aimeslee


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