Monday, March 2, 2009

Digital Collage - #7 - Sisters

This is for my sister in law Anne who is going through some troubled times. I am there for you girl. This is my exercise in removing backgrounds. I am getting there. There is so much to learn. Small doses is the trick I think. The twin girls are from Cora at Paper Flower images and Clearly Vintage. I think they are so sweet. You just know those two little girls got in to some trouble together. The leave image is from I Brake for Stamps. I stamped it on a piece of paper then added it to the digital collage.


  1. Hi Elizabeth,
    This is a beautiful image. Did you use the mask tool to remove some of the background?

    I too am a lover of birds, particularly cardinals. I guess we all can soar in our own way.

  2. Really enjoyed looking at your artwork. This picture for your sis-in-law is nice. Bet it helps her feel better!
    About removing the backgrounds, if you are using photoshop, have you tried using the mask to do this? Then you don't have to worry about running over the parts you don't want to hide or hiding the parts you want showing.
    If you're not using photoshop and don't have masks, you might use a different brush to get a smoother edge.

  3. Okay Ladies I have not used themaks tool , but I will try it today if I can find it. I just used the eraser tool to erase the background. Hence the reason it is a little jiggy jagged. Thanks for the advice!

  4. stunning collage, I can't even get my layers to work leave alone do something as beautiful as this, do use photoshop to repair and clean old photo though so perhaps I can learn ?

  5. I wish I knew what you all are referring to in terms of removing a background! I am going to have to do some research online. Is there a link any of you suggest for erasing and masking backgrounds?

    I LOVE this digital collage - the only tweak I'd recommend is using a more old-timey font for Sisters....

  6. Hi Elizabeth -
    Thanks for visiting my blog. To join the Past Portraits group, just visit it at Flickr (there is a direct link from my blog) and send a request to join.
    Your artwork is very unique - strong images and great variety.
    Love the 8" polka dots.
    Happy creating.

  7. I will gladly leave the digi-stuff to you all. All I know is it's very pretty. Hope your sister weathers thru okay...xoxo

  8. Oh this is a beautiful piece! Great work!

  9. WOW! What a fantastic piece! :)


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