Thursday, March 12, 2009

Digital Collage - # 9 - Legacy

In keeping with the barn series and my children I have had on my mind the past few months, I did this collage. I think these economic times really make you think about life, the future, what was and what is. In the long run it all boils down to family and the people you love and share your life with. These are the important things. Blessings to count.


  1. I agree completely about counting blessings - and there are so many. I love the digital collage you're doing as well as the photo series. I'm going to read up on scrap journals too, since I have accumulated quite a mass of 'stuff.'
    I didn't get to Random Arts for the 37 Days signing - funny thing though, Jane discovered the book in a post on my blog, and when she looked it up she loved it so she started carrying it and asked to be put on the tour list. Small world:)
    I'll probably be there for the deMeng workshop - hard to resist!

  2. Hi, First I want to say just how much I love your blog - it is fantastic! You do such a variety of art and it's all so well done. I enjoy reading and seeing what you have posted each day.
    I have a question, if you don't mind... what kind of camera do you use? Your photographs are very professional. I need a new camera and would like your recommendation. thanks!
    I have a blog and was very spotty about posting at first. I have decided that I need to post every day; that is my new goal. My blog address is:
    Have a great day! Joan

  3. This dig. collage is perfekt. FANTASTIC!!!

  4. Love what you od you are very talented .

  5. Beautiful! And again, haunting! Your work has so much depth! I just bought the magazine "Digital Studio" if your work hasn't already been published in there it absolutely should be!



Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.