Saturday, March 28, 2009

Paste Paper Examples

Yellow base with red paint paste.

Yellow and red base with purple paint paste.

Reddish pink base with purple paint past.

All three of these sheets were pretty much done the same way. I took the comb and held it length wise with the teeth pointing to the left of the paper. Starting on the left side - I was using my right hand - start at the top and make a zig zag motion all the way down to the bottom. Then start agin at the top and go down to the bottom, etc... till the whole sheet is finished. I happen to like this pattern quite a bit. You can make your zig and zag wider or tighter.


  1. I must confess, sometimes I'm lazy. I've never taken the time to make my own paper. BUT NOW...... :-) I think I would do this technique!! Thank you for sharing it!! Not too difficult, nor expensive, nor time consuming! My kind of paper making! Thanks again!


  2. Hi Elizabeth. Thanks for the tutorial I will definitely try this type of paper at some point as i do like the effects. Thanks also for being kind enough to add a link to art freebies on your side bar. I really appreciate that
    Hugs June xxx

  3. I love visiting your blog. We are in a lot of the same groups, so it's fun to see what you are doing with the techniques, challenges and swaps. Thanks for sharing!!

    Julie B.

  4. Lovely examples, thanks for the lessons. xoxo


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