Thursday, March 19, 2009

Puzzle Swap

The local altered group met this month on St. Patrick's day. We met and exchanged our puzzles - just one more month till they are finished. One of the gals found them at the Dollar Store. They are 24 peice puzzles and there are 8 of us. So, we each do three connecting pieces. Each of us has a separate theme, wings, birds, breathe-relax, time, etc.
This month we met at my house and one of the girls forgot her puzzle so I was able to scan a bunch of the finished pieces. I have the go ahead to share them with you. I can't wait to put them all together and see how they turn out. What I have seen is amazing so far. I will take pictures and share when they all come together. So here are two different sets, the themes are "wings" and "breathe - relax". I had a hard time with the breathe and relax one till I was told to just do something I liked to do. I love the Geo caching that one of the girls did, her way of relaxing, another did the beach, and I did the Buddha, meditation. I am finding this is a good way to start and end the day.
I am three sets behind - ahh. But I have two intense art days planned for this weekend. It is my catch up and eat chocolate and "do" art time. Don't you love days like that? I am going to put the "wings" puzzle pieces in the next post. Also, thank you Janet, Miranda, and Cathy for letting me share your puzzle pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see your finished puzzle! Our local alt arts group is also having a puzzle swap, we won't finish until October


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