Saturday, March 7, 2009

Release and Receive Journal Pages

It feels like ages since I have just sat down and worked in my journal - any of them. I realized tonight that it was very important for me to do that. It has been a very long, long week. All sorts of things seem to be flying around. Mostly good, but a lot of bad, too. I have had one of those contemplative weeks. Nothing earth shattering, just truths, faith tested, my empathy meter has been way up. I have seen people hurt because others have not been able to let go of the past - past conceptions, past judgments, past slights, past behavior, etc... You have to figure the universe is talking to you through all of this. You had better pay attention. Hence my journal pages.


  1. Fabulous Soul Journal pages... and reminding me that I'd be better off working on mine right now - thanks for the nudge!

  2. Hi Elizabeth - these pages look great - I like the wise old owl. That reminds me I really need to finish my pages too.I know what you mean about needing time to work on your journal pages.

  3. Wow, Elizabeth, what gorgeous pages!!! Lynn F.

  4. Fantastice pages as well Elizabeth. Have a nice weekend. G. Xela

  5. Beautiful pages! This one was heavy for me too. Sooo much to let go of. After I finally let go of the past, I forgot why I held onto it for so dang long. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    ~Nina in San Diego~

  6. your journal pages turned out wonderful (even though some heavy contemplation required) love that you remained all works!

  7. Your journal pages are just awesome. The message is so clear and beautiful as well.

  8. I have viewed it just a bit differently, as I get older. I think there are things to still realize about others and oneself when we can't let go of bad feelings. I think they linger for a reason, and once we realize what we are meant to, they leave. Sometimes I think people try to lose the feelings too quickly. :-)

  9. Hi Liz! I've been going through my blog comments so I could update the blogs I follow! SOOOO glad I did! I LOVE your blog!! I'll be following from now on!! Your barn series is FANTABULOUS! Wonderful work!


  10. Wow Elizabeth! I really love these pages! So powerful and incredibly beautiful! Terrific work!


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