Saturday, March 7, 2009

What I did with freebie image from Freebie #20....

One of the Yahoo Groups I am a member of[Altered Design] honored me this week by using one of my freebie images as a challenge. We are to use it any way we want - ATC, inchie, 3 by 5 skinny, etc.
I decided I had better take the challenge. Plus, I figured I really should use the images I offer in a more public way. What is the point of giving them if I don't use them in my own art. Many I do, but some I have let fall by the wayside. Any hoo, I made two ATC's . One with silk flowers and copper brads, the other I used Tim Holtz acrylic piece.
I like his acrylic pieces. I use gel medium to adhere the design to them and then the acrylic piece to my project. A couple times I did not like the look of the design on the acrylic piece, or I forgot to do something, I just scraped off the paper with my finger nail, gently, then washed it to get the gel off. Then I reused it.
The third piece I made was one of the miniature composition
books. I used a krylon pen to do the edges of the paper.
Holding the book tightly together I run the krylon pen against the edge of the paper. Then I covered the book with paper and added the images. The girl is on a game chip that I got from one of the dollar stores. The Notes are chipboard letter placed on my copy machine and resized then copied onto the background paper. I then glued that to a piece of cardboard and cut it out. Added a piece of scrap ribbon and Ta Da, a nice little notepad to keep in your purse.


  1. These are all very beautiful and the 3rd one is just adorable! Thanks for sharing what you did with your are inspiring!!

  2. Bravo! They are beautiful! Lynn F.


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