Monday, April 13, 2009

Blog Giveaway

I don't usually blog about giveaways. There are so many of them - all wonderful. I just happen to be enthralled by the PMC jewelry of Lora Hart from Such and Such blog. Her stuff is lovely. I like the new line she has started called The Bower. It is very romantic and looks very antique. Any hoo she has a give away through 5:00pm tomorrow pacific time. I want to thank Joanie Hoffman for the heads up on this as she had posted it on her blog. Good luck to all.


  1. What an interesting blog you have Miss Elizabeth. I love doors and those pierced eggs are amazing! Thanks for pimping my giveaway. Good luck to you and your readers

  2. well, thank you for the thank you!
    I am enjoying your blog.
    happy days,


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