Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Digital Collage #12 - Nest

Thinking Spring! This is a new attempt with an old attempt. I played around with some of these elements a few weeks ago and just wasn't happy. This morning I decided to try again. I love this woman, so regal, the tiny waist, and the book. She had time and the education to read. I love her elegance. She seems at that point in her life where she has stepped out of childhood and embraced womanhood.


  1. What a beautiful picture. I wonder if she was a teacher. Hmmm, I probably had her waist when I was six. :( Bea //dog-in-the-hole-studio.blogspot.com//

  2. Elizabeth she's so serene. It's a lovely piece of digi-art! =)

  3. Elizabeth this is so lovely and serene.
    Did you put the background together and scan it in?

  4. Thank you Sharon. Actually the background is three backgrounds, a slide, a piece of lace, and the back of a tin type with the color taken out. I am finding I really like to do a lot of background work on the computer and then print it out.

  5. Wow! She suits these wings beutifully!!

  6. This is just beautiful Elizabeth!

  7. I like looking at old pictures with things added it gets your attention .

  8. It seems you are getting more skilled at this by the day! The multi-layered background is grand.

    The composition is wonderful in the way our eye is drawn around from the color in the rooster to the wing color to the face to the crown, back to the other wing and then down to the color in the nest.

    And it tells a story if the viewer wants it.

    All in all a very successful piece of art, Elizabeth!


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.