Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Freebies #25 - Egg Makers

I have always loved this image. It reminds me of going to the petting zoo with my kids. Our play group went and one of the mom's gave her daughter some corn to feed the chickens and the chicken almost pecked the tip of her finger off. Let's just say my son looked at farm animals a little differently after that day.
This is from Cassall's Book of Fowl. It is a fantastic book with wonderful images. I love the way the hen is looking at the butterfly here.

A little french illustration of fowl. I like the simple lines and poses of the birds.

Everyone need to have a chart of a Rooster.

Aren't these great feathers? These should be fun to play with.

I love this pair of chickens. The feathers on their feet are wonderful.

Hope these come in useful. Enjoy!


  1. Ha! I know what you young son was butted by a goat at a petting zoo many times before we could intervene--- he looks at them differently now too! Thanks for the great images and glad you are feeling better!

  2. Thanks Elizabeth, love the first one!

  3. Where did you get the chart of the rooster. Desperately seeking images like this to use in a project.


  4. Liam I have no way to get in touch so hopefully you will email me and I can tell you where and share others I might have.


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