Thursday, April 16, 2009

Freebies #30 -French Postcards

Today when I decided to post my freebies I decided to just do a whole french theme thing. I have been trying to decide how to celebrate a year of blogging - coming up soon - and having over 500 posts. Do I do a give away? What do I give away? I have been putting things aside and debating what to do. Going to other blogs and checking out their giveaways, etc. So I decided today to give away ALOT of images to everyone at one time. A gift of sorts. The giveaways go to one or two people, and I want to give to as many as possible so here is my mini image giveaway.


  1. How wonderful that you have been blogging for so long. It's such a wonderful way to express yourself and to share with others. I love the little French girls. Adorable!
    :)Bea //

  2. Happy Blog Anniversary Elizabeth,
    thanks for the postcards they are lovely. have a great weeekend

  3. Thank you for all the wonderful pictures. How wonderful to celebrate a year of blogging.

    you have been very kind in sharing all that you do.

    debbie peysen

  4. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on 500 posts! Always love coming to your blog!

  5. CONGRATS Elizabeth!! Hope we see lots more posts!!
    The post cards are lovely!
    carole ;D

  6. What a nice way to celebrate your year of blogging as well as the 500 posts. Your freebies in the last several posts are much appreciated...thank you!

  7. I just came along from Caroline's blog. I make my living selling French vintage postcards; it's a pleasure to see your cards and we did have another postcard with the second girl down on! I have enjoyed looking at your blog and I'll be back for more!

  8. Oh these little ladies are gorgeous. What lovely images, thank you so much for posting them and congratulations on 500 posts.

  9. Congratulations. 500 posts is quite an accomplishment. Great discipline. Thanks for the lovely images.

  10. WOW......500 that is amazing! You are such a sweetie! You have such a wonderful blog!!! Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful images! You have a beautiful heart!
    I can't wait to see your next 500 post:).
    HAPPY DAY!!!

  11. 500 posts in a year! Now that's BLOGGING! Congratulations. These are lovely little ladies.

    Lorrie Grainger Abdo

  12. i love your blog and congratulations for doing what many of us dream about! speaking cloth and creativity with kindred souls!! my aunt was french and i have some sepia post cards of her as a very young woman and your cards made me thnk of her fondly after all these years. thank you from Aunt Hattie and Sonja

  13. Congratulations on reaching over 500 posts! Wowza!! Your blog is an inspiration to me! I still feel like such a newbie!! And thanks for sharing these wonderful French postcards! You so rock!! :-)

  14. Congrats on your 500th post. And thank you for being so generous with your photos (which are WONDERFUL) and your graphics. I check your blog often. Here's to the next 500 post. Sally Hackney

  15. thanks for sharing your beautiful images! can't wait to create with them!

  16. Elizabeth you are always so kind and generous by sharing both your beautiful art and your freebie images! Congrats on the success of your blog! Thanks for all that you do and know that you are truly an inspiration to a lot of bloggers:)


  17. Elizabeth - these are just beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to go visti France for 6 months? Or maybe a year... :D Marva

  18. Thank you Elizabeth...I have been getting "gifts" of pics from you for nearly that whole year...I took 2 of these for my new AB "Oh You Beautiful Doll" they were did you know...Thanks again for your open and sharing heart and congrats on 500 posts...that makes me tired just to think about it...

  19. Congrats on your 500th post. These freebies are enchanting. Thanks for sharing!
    Gaby xo


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