Friday, April 3, 2009

Funny How Just One Thing....

Isn't it funny how just one small thing can change things? This week my small thing was this tick. Last week as I sat outside and chatted with my Dad I got bit by this tick on the back of my leg. This week came the headache, chills, and fever. One blood test later and the prognosis was Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. I am told 35% of the cases are in North Carolina. Wouldn't you just know it?

I had been on the lookout as anyone who gets bitten by one of these should be. My second son had a bout with it when he was four. So, I knew the possibility was definitely there. Let's just say it is like the flu except for the headache and burning behind the eyes. I am on antibiotics like you wouldn't believe. The fever is better, and the headache is doable. Still there, but duller. The only thing I felt like doing all week is read and go for a few walks. Not very productive but it has rained most of the week so I don't feel too bad about that. April came in with showers.

Now that spring has sprung for some of us - I am suggesting that the quest to keep these creepy crawlers away from us begin anew. Wear insect repellent, check yourself, your kids, and pets diligently and stay safe.


  1. I am sorry to hear this Elizabeth. I know how you feel, when living in Montana years ago, I got the spotted fever too and so did my son. The ranch I was working on then, lost two horses because of it. its nasty, but humans always come out good!!!
    Wishing you health and strength!
    XOXO Andrea.

  2. Yipes! Good reminder for the rest of us though!

  3. Oh gosh, Elizabeth! :-000

    Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. Take it easy! You are in my prayers. xoxo

  4. Wishing you a speedy recovery - reminds me of my days in Virginia at Girl Scout camp - hadn't thought of that in such a long time - feel better - Reva (Los Angeles)

  5. wow - such a little thing can do so much damage! Hope you are feeling better soon!!

  6. Sorry to hear about that! So glad you are recovering!

  7. I am so sorry to hear about this. we have to watch for deer ticks here. 85% of them in CT carry Lyme Disease. We've taken one ooff out dog everyday since the weather got warm. Ironically enough, he's protected. We're the ones that have to be careful!

    Feel better soon, darlin'!

  8. Something went wacky with my first attempt..hope I'm not repeating myself...Just wanted to say...holy cow Elizabeth! I'm sorry that happened. But, I am glad it's not lyme disease, at first, I thought that might be what you caught! Take good care of yourself! I hope you feel better soon!


  9. wow, sorry to hear about this, but glad you got the diagnosis quickly...take care of yourself and hope you have a quick recovery!

  10. oh goodness!!!! we have lyme disease here but more so up north wisconsin...sending out my healing wishes!!!


  11. OMG Elizabeth! I am so sorry to hear this, it sounds scary. Wishing you a full and quick recovery.

    Time for some tick repellent-- if such a thing exists!

  12. Wow, I'm sorry to hear about this, Elizabeth. Please take care of yourself and get well as soon as the meds and rest make it possible.

    We have ticks like crazy over here in TN so we are ever vigilant about pulling the "little suckers" off after each walk in the woods starting with the first warm weather. Over here it's Lyme disease we have watch for.

    But here's hoping you get better very quickly. Take it easy and read lots of good art books!

  13. So sorry you got bit by one of those nasty ticks and have had to deal with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Hope you get back to 100% very soon! Thanks for posting your wonderful French postcards they are just simply adorable!!

    Take Care - Robin

  14. Hi, Elizabeth, So sorry to hear about your tick bite and subsequent illness. Please rest and take good care of yourself. I'll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

  15. Wow, Elizabeth... that is one wicked looking tick! ugh. So very sorry to hear you ended up with Rocky Mountain spotted fever. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy, full recovery!

  16. Sorry about your bite. I actually
    thought it was a rusted big of art.
    Perhaps you should encase it in
    polymer or something and make a necklace.

    Jan in AA


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