Thursday, May 14, 2009

Awards and Such

I have gotten several awards lately. All of which I feel quite honored yet somewhat overwhelmed with. Deciding whom I should turn around an award them to is always hard for me. I enjoy every one's blog. Each one is so unique and teeming with information, artwork, photos and most of all stories. I love the stories of what is going on in people's lives. I will try to hand out some of these awards, I won't meet all the requirements like one a day for ten days. I will try my best to live up to these awards and encourage others with their blogs. That is the best I can do right now.

My sweet dear friend Sandee of Sandee's Sanity honored me with this award. She is so talented. Her blog is just full of beautiful things. Her collages really speak to me. She is one busy, but organized lady. I would like to pass this award on to Robin of A Robin's Nest blog. Robin is also incredibly talented. It has been so fun to meet and become friends with so many of you this past year. Robin is one of these friends.

I have always enjoyed the idea of giving an award as a pay it forward idea. Sort of just saying "I like what you are doing and keep it up". Denise from Bless This Mess gave me this award. Who could not love a blog called bless this mess? I don't know about you but everyday when I walk in the door of my studio I am hoping for a little blessing. Thank you Denise I really appreciate this award. I am going to give Linda East of Jewels of the East this award. Linda actually has two wonderful blogs. I met Linda through one of the yahoo groups. Her altered books are fabulous. She also does a ton of other stuff. Please stop by and visit her.

This award came from Gayle Page-Robak of Stampers Touch. Please stop by her blog. Be prepared to spend some time there. Morning coffee is good at Gayle's. She is a designer for several companies, and my goodness she does some beautiful things with their products. Truly inspiring. This award you are to send out once a day for ten days. I am not sure I can do that but I will try. So right now I am shouting out to Gaby Bee of Colorful Adventures. I am awarding you this Lovely Blog Award. Go check out the dress on her blog with the roses and rust pieces, it is wonderful.

Rho gave me this award back in April. Her blog is Just Rho. I hope you will hop over there and send her a big get well. She had back surgery and is feeling a little blue with her recovery progress. She is hoping to get back into her art and enjoy the summer. Recovery always takes longer than you think. I am going to give this award to Andrea of Mixed media Art Quilts. She is a wild west girl who is so talented in many ways. She brings the flavor of her surroundings with her art.


  1. Omg...really!!!!
    Thank you! I think you deserve all of them and keep inspiring all of us so much!!
    Thank XO Andrea.

  2. Thanks Elizabeth! Your blog is deserving of all the awards you get and is always a joy to visit!!

    Take Care - Robin

  3. Congratulations on all your awards & thanks so much for your generosity.

  4. Thanks Elizabeth for the Blog award, you are such a sweetie...

  5. Thanks Elizabeth! I take that as a real compliment!
    I always enjoy visiting your Blog to see your gorgeous creations. Congrats on your awards, you deserve them all!!!
    Have a wondrous and magical day!
    Gaby xo


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