Monday, May 11, 2009

Disintegration Project - Gathering the Papers

A little birdie kept a few bundles from flying off.

Aren't the textures and patina's yummy on these papers?

Last week I gathered as many bundles as I could find outside. May 1st was the target date to bring our papers inside and photograph them and then post. I actually waited a week longer as most of my papers blew into various neighbors yards during that freak storm. I made extra bundles after that "just in case".

All the bundles I rounded up were very interesting. Some were damp from a spring shower. Some were covered in rust or dirt. All of them had chiggers. I had to wipe them clean, then insert them in a large zip lock bag, removed the air and sit the bag outside in the sun for a few days. The chiggers all died. They are nasty critters and you do not want them burrowing under your skin laying eggs. Itchy will take on a whole new meaning.

I love them! The papers are so tattered and worn in places and ways I never imagined. Now I have to start making something with them. Ahh. So many possibilities. Run over to Seth's blog , The Altered Page to check out some of the other papers people have posted.


  1. They look so neat all rolled up like that. :)Bea

  2. These turned out excellent! I never thought of actually aging papers the *real* way; I always just do it with paint, gel, etc.
    I may have to try this...... :)

  3. Happy for you that they did not all blow away. I am thinking about what I am going to do with mine. You have some great looking age on yours.

  4. Elizabeth, what a groovy idea! I think I might try this. (How can you tell if it has chiggers? what do they look like?)

    I think your art is amazing. Really. I love your digital work. Seems like you enjoy art journaling. I really like your side bar art tips, recipes and little quotes.
    This is a very cool blog. I'm adding you to my favorites.

    THanks for stopping by my blog and sending me some kind words about my old dog Blaze. Those were so sweet.
    I'll be back daily to see what your'e up to.


  5. can't wait to see what people make of the bundles~
    and chiggers! yuk! wouldn't want those around..

  6. Love all the papers! And the recovery of the papers, too!

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