Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Ice House

This weekend I went downtown to shoot photographs along the river. The Cape Fear River is rich in sights and sounds and history. It is so relaxing to wander around. In the downtown area they have built a board walk that runs for blocks. On the otherside of the boardwalk are shops and resturants. I like the old buildings.

One of the buildings that is being tested by the economy is the old Ice House. The fisherman would bring their catch in and lay it all on the ice. Then it was packed and trucked or shipped out. This building is pretty much the same as it was when it was built. Now the owners want to tear it down and build condo's. I am hoping the turn in the economy will stop this. Maybe with time the owners will see what a treasure they have.

The photograph of the green door below is from this building. It pretty much says it all....


  1. You say the buildings are being tested? Let's hope some protest arises!! I hate it when old buildings are torn down to make way for generic new ones, one of my pet peeves for sure!
    Love the photo, btw...

  2. Elizabeth,

    Go take a quick peek at my blog.
    By the way--love the door photo. Wish there were some interesting ones here...something about doors...


  3. What a shame. I wonder if the Historical Preservation Society could get involved. It's so sad when these wonderful old buildings are leveled just to make room for condos or a parking structure! I used one of your beautiful images and posted it on my blog--come see it when you get a chance! Smiles, Jann

  4. fabulous door! if they tear it down maybe you can have the door ~ sad when the old bldg's go. I take pictures of the old signs-because they won't always be there and they don't make 'em like they used to~thanks for the ant remedy too!


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