Sunday, May 17, 2009

Speaking of Journals

It has been a whirlwind of activity in my study and studio lately. I am getting ready to put my house on the market and have been "de cluttering" . As if that is possible. I have been slowly packing up some of the things I will not need in the near future or things that are "personal". Breaking my foot made me realize that I really need to be closer to the boys. The last boy will be leaving to start at another college soon. My other son that lived here is now an ocean or two away - happy as a clam I might add. So the move begins.

I always number and list what is in the boxes in "the book" . It also has lists and receipts for materials and what to do's. This time I thought I would use a journal or composition book. Here are a couple I made. The Zetti Journal was for a swap a few years ago and I made one for me, too. The other two were made for a journal round robin I started a few months ago and I decided to go in a different direction and made something else. I will share my journal when it comes home.

Any way I thought I would share with you these Journal Covers. It might inspire you to make a new journal today. I am doing the journal catch up today and enjoying the rain storms that come and go. Hope you are all having a creative and relaxing day.


  1. Excellent journal pages.Hope things settle and you have some time to relax soon
    Hugs June xxx

  2. Love your journal covers Elizabeth.

    By the way - you have been tagged - by me!

    As well - you have inspired me to stat a blog "I'm Bored. What's ther to Do" I have created it - just have more planning to do before I officially start it. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Love your journals. I am thinking about a move too. Downsizing... a terrifying thought as I keep every treasure I find.... but one must start somewhere. Where are you going? I hope you will always blog as I love your blog. Sharon

  4. These are some really terrific Journal covers.

  5. I haven't been over for a while, goodness you've been busy! lots of lovely things to look at, I especially like the 'fill her nest collage' lovely colours. Good luck with your packing, and finding everything afterwards!

  6. Super Journals, Elizabeth. Wishing you a good, easy-as-possible move. You sound so well organized!

  7. Elizabeth these are gorgeous! Are they altered comp books? Marva


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