Friday, June 5, 2009

D Day - 65th Anniversary

Yes, tomorrow is the 65 th anniversary of the biggest Air, Water, and Land strike ever - D Day. The world would be a much different place if that day had not happened. My father was one of the bomber pilots flying that day. He is also thought to be the last plane that went down that day. Lucky for all of us he was able to parachute out, found by the French, hidden and his wounds tended to by a French woman, turned in by her boyfriend to the Germans. My Father spent the rest of the war in a German prison camp.

He was one of the lucky ones that day. So many Americans, British, Canadians, and French gave their lives that day. I would like to thank them all and their families. Just a small moment of silence - of prayer. 65 years later my Dad is feeling the impact of those parachute jumps, the prison days, as are many of those boys that served. We owe them every thing.

I read a news statement put out by the World War II Museum in New Orleans - thank you Stephen Ambrose and all - that they were trying to get a representative from every state for their ceremony but were not able to do so. So many of these veterans are in their 80's and 90's that traveling is too hard on them. So, if you know some one who is a veteran thank them tomorrow. You can read more about the DDay organization here. Thanks Daddy!


  1. A BIG THANKS to your Dad and all others who serve our country! Sally Hackney

  2. Hi Elizabeth, i say thanks too. I hope all is well with you my friend.
    Hugs June xxx

  3. My step father has now passed on and he too served in WWII. He tried to get on with his life but I'm afraid PTS just had to big an effect on him.
    My prayers go to all our service personel that return home and are now in our poorly equiped VA hospitals.

  4. I thank God for all the brave men and women that serve our great nation. Praise them for their sacrifice!

    Please tell your Dad thank you for me and give him a BIG hug!
    Hugs, Ashlyn

  5. DDay is an important day in Canadian history as well.
    The men an women who served in our armed forces deserve so much more than has been given them. And you are right - so few are left now.
    My dad served in the navy, but close to Halifax. He is gone now but never really talked much about the war. Thanks for sharing all that information.

  6. We can never say thank you enough!


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