Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Digital Collage - Attitude

I don't know about all of you but I have several folders of images I have acquired from some one's generosity. Many I have used, some I think about using and others I just enjoy. Today as I was going through some of my image folders, scanning images, and cleaning up some images it occurred to me that I should pick a folder and make a collage from just that folder. Harder than you think. So I randomly wrote down a number and that was the folder.

This digital collage comes to you from me courtesy of Jamie at Art-e-ology. I enjoy her blog and her art very much. We both are enamored with photographs and she is very generous in sharing them. She has a lovely article on her blog about types of photographs that is really interesting. So Jamie here is my collage from some of your images. I hope you enjoy it. The quote I got off of a stamp I have from Alluring Impressions. I was just going to name the girl, but I felt she deserved more.


  1. I LOVE this! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful art piece. It is perfect! The quote is just what she needed. I am so pleased sweetie. I have such admiration of your digital work and this is a true honor. Love, Jamie

  2. Hi Elizabeth...this is very lovely. I've never done digital collage, I suppose I should try it. I have a box full of 'instant ancestors' I bought at antique shops over the years. I have one, in particuliar that looks just like Julia Roberts dressed in period costume. I seriously wonder if this is a photo of someone in her lineage. I'd love to send it to her if I could find a legitimate way to get it there.

    I thought maybe I'd send it to you if I can find it and get it scanned in.

    Great job on all you do. I'll be back again!


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