Saturday, June 27, 2009

Digital Collage - Street meets Country

I have been playing with Photo Shop all morning. It was 107 degrees at 9:30 this morning on the shady side of my house. I figure the thermometer is off by about 5 degrees - so maybe 102. It takes your breath away when you walk outside. So everything I was going to do this morning I decided not to do. Maybe this evening I can get some of those things done when it cools down.

Meanwhile I am going to do all the stuff I hate to do inside and reward myself with a little art. I started with this digital collage. The boy is a street urchin from London taken around 1848. The barn is one of mine as is the ledger paper, and the typewriter keys came from flickr.


  1. Guess I'm a country girl at heart--love this project!

  2. Oh lovely lovely, such a cute boy.

  3. Elizabeth this is fantastic !! truly amazing work and a stunning picture. Are you a member at Digital whisper ? if not then you should be. I am a member and its a nice place to add your fab creations. Just let me know if you fancy joining and dont worry if you dont. I just love your work my friend
    Hugs June xx

  4. There is a mystery about this piece that is intriguing. You are quite talented, Miss Elizabeth. I'm glad I found my way to your blog!

  5. This is my absolute FAVORITE of your works on your blog right now!! Beautifully done!!


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