Thursday, June 4, 2009

Freebies - Advertisements for Men

Let me just say that finding good men images is not easy. Almost all of the advertising is geared toward women. The things that are geared toward men generally have women in it. So here is some of my stash of men advertising images. Enjoy.


  1. Thanks so much my friend. I have saved a couple of these
    Hugs June xxx

  2. These are wonderful! I love the overcoat and the hottie in the Kuppenheimer suit! LOL!! Thank you for sharing:) Love, Jamie

  3. Love your Men theme for June and your brides are very fitting as well. Great fun catching up with you, our computer has been on the fritz, everything was taking 3x as long as it should have, the temp computer is a relief for now.
    Thanks so much for sharing your art, creativity and images Elizabeth! oxo


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