Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Freebies - French Postcards - Wedding Bells

Yes, June is here. I can smell the flowers and the nights are longer. June is traditionally thought of as the wedding month. We have an anniversary in our family this month. My oldest and his beautiful wife. Congratulations. Their wedding was one of the most beautiful and charming I have been to in awhile. Her dress was absolutely stunning. So, in their honor...

p.s. if you are liking these June at Art Freebies has some freebies along the same line. Please go check out her freebies!


  1. Elizabeth they are gorgeous and i had to look twice .. great minds think alike lol .. go see what i posted as one of my freebies today too :) lol its great we were both posting similar ones. Some of these i dont have so thanks my friend they are gorgeous
    Hugs June xxx

  2. These are great! Thank you for sharing them! I think I am going to go use one right now!


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