Monday, June 1, 2009

Let's Start Off the Month with some Men Freebies

This gentleman is pretty impressive with the beaver coat on.
A youngish gent, he is all dressed up.

These two guys from Texas have pretty neat ties.

This guy has a very fancy tie. If you look closely it looks like a diamond stud in his tie.

This photographed was signed with a little note to Miss Annie Brown on the back. Very sweet. I am hoping they were able to get together. He looks like he needs a good woman like he is sort of lonely.

With Father's Day just around the corner I thought we should start off the week with men. Early men freebies. I will probably post another two or three groups of these in the next few days. I have some real dandies. Today we are starting off with men with mustaches. Hope you enjoy them.


  1. These Men freebies are just wonderful. Thank You so Much for sharing.

  2. thanks for sharing these beautiful photos!

  3. Thank you so much for these awesome Men! I mostly get ladies and children and tend to neglect the men folk when purchasing. These are wonderful! Love, Jamie

  4. Thanks for these wonderful old photos. Where do you find them? What a great treasure.

  5. These freebies are great! Thanks for sharing!
    Gaby xo


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