Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Old Homeplace

On my way to the auction yesterday afternoon I just happened to run across this wonderful old farmhouse. I love the ladder on the outside of the house. It always makes me so sad to see these old homesteads in disrepair.


  1. Oh, well you KNOW I LOVE this pictures. :)Bea

  2. What a beautiful photo!!! I used to drive by these kinds of homesteads and wish I could live in the "olden days"!!! How sad and bittersweet to see it this way!
    Thanks for sharing the picture..... my Mom loved old houses, she would paint them and give the paintings away. I wish I had one of them now!
    Margaret B

  3. This is beyond amazing... i am so drawn to the same type of imagery...
    Lately I've been posting about ballet:) It's about time I got bak to art!
    Take care!

  4. Beautiful photo!!! Did you take this picture!

  5. This is a beautiful photo!!! Do you take this picture!

  6. I always create a story about the first owner of those old buildings--who built it? what was the family like? did children run through the yard playing games?...

    It's a lovely picture...

  7. This is lovely and what treat to find on your journey. My Grandmother grew up in a house like this in Greenville, SC. When BMW came in they built their factory on part of the land, but they left the house intact and will not destroy it. I love knowing it is still there. Beautiful texture also:) Love, Jamie

  8. A stunning image - hauntingly beautiful. Wow! Your techniques are amazing!

  9. Elizabeth, Your comment brought tears to my eyes. I miss "Home" so much and knowing you might have pictures of Grandma's house is so wonderful. Thank you sweetie. Love, Jamie

  10. Wonderfully altered photograph. But instead of feeling sad, I actually always feel inspired when I see this type of structure -- I find it to be beautiful.


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