Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Back Steps

the back steps

Yesterday I went exploring and just happen to meet this woman and her 120 year old house. She was kind enough to let me walk around and take pictures inside and out! What a treasure. I have been working all morning on some of the photos. I thought I would share this one with you.


  1. i LOVE old places
    i especially like the older carolinian and virginia homes
    but i am from there so ...
    i like the old western homesteads too
    something about their abandoned charm that still echoes the life it lived

    LOVE the steps!

  2. This is such a stunning photo and speaks so loudly of the past. I wonder how many little feet pounded up those steps and through that door? Fabulous! Love, Jamie

  3. I sure hope to see more of these soon!! Very compelling and lovely detail!
    The patterns are so cool too - boy, do they bring back memories of my mom's sewing room; I loved looking at all the 'fashion' pics.

    Take care and hope you're having a great summer :)

  4. I can just imagine sitting on those stairs in the evening sharing conversation and watching the lightning bugs dance around. :)

    Great shot.


  5. I want this house. Such a cool country feeling.


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