Monday, July 27, 2009

The Grey Barn

Here is one more barn for you. The Grey Barn is almost hidden by the corn. The corn is taller than the door. I fell in love with this barn. The way it just peeked out at me.


  1. Excellent capture, and I love your digital treatment of this special structure. You've managed to capture the illusive romanticism of these old barns and outbuildings perfectly. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. WEll, I've loved all the barn pictures so far but I have to say this one is a favorite. Love the script going across the page.
    Well done. :)Bea

  3. I love this with the writing on top - amazing!

  4. Oh, how beautiful. Love the addition of the script - it's like the barn is speaking its own forgotten history.


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