Thursday, August 20, 2009

Altered Blocks

In one of the yahoo groups - in this house and garden - Susie La Fond is having a round robin with blocks. [each person will alter one side of the block] I decided to start early and got out some of the blocks that the boys played with when they were younger. I have several sets, one from Ikea that is nice, another nicer set that an old friend made for my oldest, out of maple, then another that has a lot of pine pieces in it.

The idea is that you are to alter the face of the block, then the sides, each block, depending on shape has 5 to 6 sides. I grabbed my scrap box and went to town. Don't think to much just sort of let things flow. Before I knew it I had 25 to 30 blocks with at least the first side finished. I think it is best to do one side on a bunch of the blocks and then start on the second side. Then, the third etc. After that you can go back and add details, embellishments etc. These are my first round.

I think these will look very cool as adult blocks to play with on a coffee table. You could just sneak a block here or there, a window sill or shelf. It will be fun to have as an ongoing project. Susie says she has done well over a hundred. I can see that. Beware. It is very addicting.


  1. what an awesome thing to make! well done! must get hubby to cut me some blocks!

  2. What a fabulous idea! They make an amazing piece of artwork and it can constantly change. It would be perfect for all the lovely images I've downloaded.

  3. These are to die for! How cool. Thanks for sharing, I can see where this could be addicting. Cheers!

  4. These are so amazing! I LOVE them. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I saw that swap and thought mighty hard about joining. If I didn't have so many things on my plate right now.........ooooooooh.......I have a box of blocks that I have been saving for just this purpose.........drat........what to do, what to do? :)Bea

    PS I love yours and I can see why you had so much fun with them.

  6. Hi Elizabeth
    Your blocks are AWESOME. They are totally cool. I agree with doing a side on a bunch and then going back. That's how I've done mine. I will do a bunch on 1 or 2 sides and then go back and do others. It's a great way to get rid of and use up scraps.

  7. Came upon these when visiting your blog this evening. I LOVE THEM, and now I have a fever to go find some blocks!! Neat, neat neat idea. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh those blocks are so gorgeous. What a brilliant idea. I have a whole bag of them.....

  9. I recently bought a big box of old kids blocks (hand made) from a garage sale. I was so drawn to them and was thinking I could put some of my photos on them. Now I found your blog and your post--I love these. Gotta get going on them now!

  10. You have inspired me! My oldest son and I were cleaning out the loft the other day and I came across a box of blocks my three sons played with when they were little. I haven't had the heart to get rid of them. I will give them new life, as creative pieces. Thanks!
    Wonderful blog.

  11. Your blocks are AWESOME!! I too wanted to join Susie's swap but have too many other swaps going right now to consider adding more. It would have been fun! I really enjoyed seeing your blocks. Love the style!!

  12. So cute! I can see how that could be addicting!

  13. I LOVE this idea!!!! Lightbulb Moment...these are lovely! All the different applications you can use with these is endless. Thanks for sharing & your blocks are awesome, can I have some??? LOL :)

  14. These are beautiful! I got some old blocks at a yard sale. I will need to find and play. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Your blocks are just fabulous Elizabeth! Love all the different images you used and the display is just lovely!

  16. These are AWESOME as a group! I am so glad now that I still have my kids' blocks. They won't stay blank for long!

  17. I love the blocks!! I need to try this!!! Thanks for all the freebies and inspiration! I love your blog and artwork!!


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