Saturday, August 8, 2009

Our Girl is Two!

Yes she is! I can't believe it has already been two years since this wonderful creature came into my life. My heart explodes with love for her. She is a joy to behold. This is how you tell people you are two. The thumb is one and the index finger is two. So guess who has been entertaining me lately....


  1. Look at that beautiful smiling Sweetie!!!!!! She is so precious Elizabeth. Lucky you:) Love, Jamie

  2. What a DARLING she is! I love the two fingers! lol :)Bea

  3. So sweet! My grandson will be 2 in September. I think that's the perfect age!

  4. Isn't "two" the BEST!!! Love her, hug her and cuddle her now 'cuz time slips by too quickly! Gorgeous picture! Thanks so much for sharing!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. Happy Birthday for yesterday xx

  6. Your girl is beautiful!!

    HEr eyes would melt the coldest of hearts.

  7. Oh she's adorable!!! I love kids at this age, they're so fun to spend time with and see things through their eyes. Everything is new to them...


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