Friday, August 7, 2009

SOARTFUL CHALLENGE - Angels Everywhere

This past week has been hectic. Today I have spent a lot of time on the computer going through emails, catching up on things. One of the things to catch up on were challenges, down loading some photos from my camera, and my blog.

I enjoy these challenges so much. They give you a starting point. Sort of like a "prompt" for a journal. I guess it is a visual prompt. This week for Soartful Challenge it was this lovely digital grid that June created. I decided to use some of my own Freebies and make this digital collage.

One of the things I have experienced this week is that there are Angels everywhere. Sometimes they are in human form, but they are there. Lifting our spirits, helping to point us in the right direction, giving us strength, showing us love and laughter.


  1. There are angels everywhere! One of my favorite quotes in the world goes something like this: Be kind to strangers, for we entertain angels each and every day... unaware.


  2. Divinely stunning!!

  3. I SO agree with you, Elizabeth! Angels ARE all around us - sometimes in the most unexpected places! Your collage is a beautiful expression of hope and love. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Hi Elizabeth, thanks so much for this one its beautiful and i love your angels in this they are super. Gorgeous work my friend and i am sorry to be so long getting here to view it
    hugs June x

  5. I agree too. Angels are all around, and this is a wonderful portrayal of this fact. Thanks so much for the reminder and sharing the idea your lovely artwork.

  6. GORGEOUS!! I completely agree.

  7. WOW, what an AWESOME sight to behold this piece is!!! I really do love it...this is really a stunning piece. Thanks for sharing!!

  8. I love the angel collage. It is so beautiful. I love the colors you chose to work with.



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