Monday, August 24, 2009

Tag Fever Two...

Tags are great things to have in your stash pile. I like to keep a few down in my kitchen all made up. They are great to add to a "little something" for someone, to write a quick note on, etc. I use to send them in to my kids teachers with a "thank you" or "I will be picking him up early" type of thing. Sometimes I keep a few in my car and if I stop by someone's house and they are not home I will leave one tied to the doorknob with a note. You get the idea.

I make the tags with leftover paper from projects. I keep a variety of tag sizes on my work table and put the scraps in a scrap box. When I have accumulated a few I will spend an hour or two just making tags. I also keep already made manila tags on my work table and when I paint and have left overs, I smear it on the tags. It gives me interesting tags that I might not have made. You can use the hole strengtheners to make them look official. [the orange tags are 120 lb. watercolor paper with hole strengtheners] It is a great way to recycle scraps and leftover paint.
Feel free to copy and use these if you like.

Tags made from a leftover project.

Tags painted with leftover paint.

Tags made from leftover scrap paper, scraps, and paint.

Tags painted with left over paint.


  1. These are lots of fun! I love adding tags to collage and my mixed media pieces! Love your blog! Kartika

  2. these are beautiful tags! I love all the effects you have created with inks and paints!

  3. Oh I just love these tags!! The colours are gorgeous and what a brilliant idea too.

  4. Your tags are wonderful! I agree with you about keeping them around for leftover paint or ink...I do the same thing and there is something addicting about doing tags!

  5. Love your tags! Thanks for sharing! How do you make those cool little circles? I have seen people do that a lot and have always wondered what they use?


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