Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weather Channel in Town

Path to the beach

Tide is coming in

Beach strewn with shells from all the wave action

Waves are beginning to grow

Surfers leaving to go to designated surf area with life guards.

It is never a good thing to wake up to the weather channel in your town. Both Friday and Saturday mornings I awoke to the live telecast from our beach. Of course we had to run down to the beach and see what was going on. Friday morning - early - it was beautiful. The beach was strewn with shells, no one but surfers and one lone fisherman. The surf was agitated. It tore one of my flip flops off and the toe thingy right out of the shoe. I was only up to my calves, too.

As the tide began to come in the waves began to pick up, turning sort of greenish. In my experience green in the weather is not good - the sky having a green tinge - tornado - water green tinge - undertow and riptides - hurricanes and tropical storms. The surfers began to come in and move down the beach where the life guards were. No swimming on Friday and Saturday.

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