Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Digital Collage - Five

I made this collage this morning. As I sat behind a school bus yesterday, I was remembering something my grandmother had said to me. School is a privilege, use your time wisely. She was so smart. It is hard to believe that in her lifetime school was not something you had to do. Most kids worked or tended the younger ones so the parents could work. There were no day cares. Young children like these were on their own most of the day. How lucky we are.


  1. Gorgeous! I just love your work. The imahe is adorable.

  2. Elizabeth,
    it is beautifull,-
    and life then was hard - ,-oh- my -poor kids, my heart would have broken leaving my kid allone for the day....yes indeed we are lucky.
    Your collage tells it all.

    Thanks for sweet comment on my blog.


  3. Hi Elizabeth,
    You have completely captured the mood of the story. It's beuatiful.

  4. Unbearable to think what life was like then - we take so much for granted now. This is a very emotive piece and beautifully created.

  5. Beautiful - your gram's was smart even if at the time we hated school. Looking back now, it wasn't so bad. :)

  6. Aren't they the sweetest things.
    What fun. :)Bea

  7. Elizabeth your collage really made my emotions flow.Very well done. It really touched me. Sharon

  8. What a wonderful piece, Elizabeth! Simply gorgeous!

  9. are so talented! Your digital pieces are just beautiful! You always have such an excellent balance of color and composition!! Your work always inspires me!! Thanks for sharing it with us!!


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