Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Digital Collage - Lost Heart

Tonight I just felt like I needed a break from my studio. I have all sorts of things drying and in various stages of incompleteness. I thought I would work on a couple of collages and then go back to scissors, paint and glue. I need to complete something.

The background for this collage is from a graffiti wall in Mexico, the image of the house is an old North Carolina farmhouse that has been walked out on. Literally it looks like someone just up and left. The door is wide open, the screen is torn, the yard is all overgrown. Inside is empty but not vandalized. The girl is another graffiti photo I took in London - attributed but unsigned to Jef Aerosal.

The past few days I have seen or heard so many heart breaking stories from friends, neighbors, and the ones I love. I keep reminding myself that these are just small bits from a much larger picture. A picture filled with hope, kindness, and love. The title of this collage says it all.


  1. I am so sorry that there has been recent sadness in your life. This is a very poignant piece which is maybe indicative of how you are feeling at the moment, but it also shows the outstretched hand of hope and love which is always there. Beautiful work.

  2. This one really speaks to me.Beautiful work. Sharon

  3. Beautifully illustrated, Elizabeth. Stunning piece of work. The light of hope always shines in the darkness. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. I love the ethereal look of this piece, Elizabeth. This is digital? I often switch from digital to glue and paint and find myself enriched each time I do.

  5. WOW!!! Beautiful everything here.


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