Saturday, September 26, 2009

Freebies - Girls Girls Girls

This is my favorite little model and I think this is my favorite picture of her.

A pink rose on pink Saturday for you.

She looks so sweet, and ready to be up and going.

Her eyes are so beautiful and full of expression.

She looks so vulnerable, the Julia Roberts of her day?

I almost forgot to post my freebies this week. I have no idea where my head is. It must be all the rain. Yes, I am blaming it on the rain... I hope you enjoy all of these.


  1. Thank you Elizabeth, love the top one!

  2. They're all beautiful! Thank you for posting them!

  3. Thank you so much again Elizabeth... it suddenly struck me that I wonder what these beautiful little girls grew up to be and whether any of them are are still alive.

  4. These are lovely evocative photos. Thank you.

  5. These are such lovely images...thank you for sharing them!

  6. Beautiful girls; thanks for sharing!

  7. The first one is stunning! Thanks for the freebies. :-)

  8. These are just so adorable Elizabeth....thanks for posting them! I just adore the first one too...something about her eyes...thanks again and have a great day!

  9. I made a card at with one of your images. Thanks!

  10. Thanks for posting these lovely young ladies.


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