Thursday, September 17, 2009

More Turtles

Just when you think life is good - sometimes it gets better. On Wednesday morning the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center set free nine loggerhead turtles that had been rescued and rehabilitated. That made 31 turtles in the past three months they had released.

This is a local organization that was set up and is run by the mother of Karen Beasley in her memory. Karen had a love of the sea and in particular turtles. She had gone to school here to study marine biology - turtles in particular. As fate sometimes has it, she was taken to soon to fulfill her life long dream. Her parents and in particular her mother - Jean - started this organization as a memorial to her daughter. It is incredible the work they do. The training young marine scientists, vet students, and volunteers receive can not be found anywhere else on the east coast. This is one of my favorite organizations. Check out their web site.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful organization! It's soooo nice to have good news to start the day! Have a super weekend! Hugs, Terri


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