Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Survivors

I love these trees. They are on an island I like to go to and just walk and think. They always remind me that life gives you all sorts of twists and turns, blows you around and then sets you down. Through storms and high winds they stand, twisted by the winds, yet they continue to live - grow. I hope you will find inspiration in their strength.


  1. I believe trees speak to us in their silence...we just need to listen. Love the photo and what you said about them. Thank you.

  2. Just beautiful. I have aplace on the coast like that. It is a remarkable place, so peaceful and thoughtful. Sharon

  3. You KNOW I love trees. These are gorgeous. :)Bea

  4. I can't say how many times I have had to stop the car to get out and snap a good tree picture... but these are beautiful. I have never seen anything like them. Thank you for sharing. They are inspirational indeed.

  5. What a great stand of trees - survivors for sure.
    Take care.

  6. Wow! These trees are incredible! Wish I had them nearby to go and gaze at! Thanks for sharing!!


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