Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Three Muses Challenge - Windows

This week the Three Muses Challenge is windows. Ooh, one of my favorites, right up there with doors. I really wanted to play around with this theme. Windows can mean so much. I think we give each person a little glimpse of who we are when we see them. A window into our self. Sometimes they get it right, sometimes not. Then, the longer they know you they think they "know" you, "know" how you think, how you feel. Not so. We are forever changing. Our windows are clean, dirty, open, closed, the screen is on....


  1. What a beautifull post, love what you did with this team, -but also what you are writing is so right-beautifull expressed.

  2. Very interesting expression on her face. LOVE windows. :)Bea

  3. Lovely and thought provoking piece - I like both views very much - expressive and meaningful post Elizabeth!

  4. Very powerful and beautiful post Elizabeth. And I love the images - such wonderful effects can be attained digitally

  5. Elizabeth what a tremendously powerful post, and you are so right in your observations of how people think they know us. Beautifully illustrated too.

  6. What fantastic effects you've created here, Elizabeth, beautiful piece!

  7. Your journaling enhances this beautiful piece. It's superb. I agree with your thoughts. We all hold a small, secret part of ourselves that few, if any, ever see. Thanks so much for joining in our challenge!

  8. Hauntingly beautiful! So many more doors and windows to open, enter, peak into.

  9. Hey, you were not the last!! Elizabeth, youe pictures are simply exquisite. It is probably not a sensible thing to use "grungy" in the next sentence but I love the staining and rough texture of the wood. The image is beautiful. I enjoyed your thoughts on a window as a metaphor on our lives. This is a stunning, thoughtful piece of art. Standing ovation from me!

  10. Mesmerizing artwork..
    Her eyes pull you in…

    It is beautiful !!!!


  11. What an absolutely gorgeous window! :)


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