Thursday, October 8, 2009

Freebie Collage Sheet - Louisa May Alcott

Here is the first of two freebie collage sheets I made with Louisa May Alcott images. I unearthed a few of her books in my collection last night. I made the mistake of opening one and reading a bit - half way through the night. I forgot how much I loved the warmth and innocence of her books. Some of them have the grit of everyday life, but yet this eternal hope. I decided to do some art work with her - thus - these collage sheets. I thought I would share and maybe you will remember some great moments when you were able to read her books.


  1. Thank you, Elizabeth, for bring back warm, happy memories of rainy days, good books, and a warm, cozy room in my Grandmother's house on a rainy day! That was part of my introduction to Ms. Louisa! Thanks, too, for this beautiful sheet. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. what great timing, as I am working my way thru my collection of LMA books for the umpteenth time!! They never get old-- I can't even remember when I read them for the first time, but they are still some of my favorites!

  3. I think my favorite LMA book was Eight Cousins...makes me want to dig it out and read it again.
    Thanks for the collage sheets!

  4. Thank you for the reminder as to how absorbing Louisa May Alcotts work is and also for the wonderful collage sheets. I do so much appreciaqte the time and trouble you go to to compile these. Thank you again!

  5. Love this sheet! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh thank you so much Elizabeth, you are so generous and talented.


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