Thursday, October 22, 2009

Theme Thursday Challenge - Faces

This is my entry for Theme Thursday Challenge this week. The theme is faces. We are to make an ATC, a 4 by 4 or anything we want just as long as it has a face on it. Well, that was a challenge. Way too many choices for me in that department. I have been playing with photo shop using one photo with lots of the drawing, layers, filters, etc. Also, making things using the grid feature.

I am fascinated with faces. They can tell us so much about a person. Expressions always changing. I decided to make a Warhol type thing using this young girl. Like most people, I gave her several different faces, with several different backgrounds, like the different settings we have in our lives. I have included the original photo at the bottom of this post for your personal use. I thought you might like to play around with her. She was obviously well taken care of and loved by her family. All children should be so lucky.

Original Image - Isn't she just the sweetest? and that big old chain and locket... don't forget to right click to get the larger version of her.


  1. Very cute picture and lovely alterations!

  2. I wonder if that's her Daddy's pocket watch on that big chain. She has a wonderful face, and your study in different filters and such is very unique and interesting. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Beautiful Elizabeth! I too am fascinated by faces- these are wonderful variations with great expression!

  4. Your faces are great, Elizabeth! Thanks for the original photo.

  5. I like this play with photoshop, ingeniously made !

  6. I absolutely love what you have done with these faces, Elizabeth...what an intriguing idea and you have created each one beautifully! Also thank you for always being so kind with your are the best! Hugs, Gayle.

  7. Wonderful, love your creations!

  8. Hi Elizabeth, I hope you are well my friend and doing ok this cold october ? I am sorry i havent been blogging much and hope to catch up more now a bit. I love these and it just goes to show how playing in art with just one image and a hundred ideas can pay off
    amazing !! as you always are
    hugs June xxx

  9. love all the neat effects you have used with her! gorgeous girl! (is this one okay for us to use?)

  10. Well, isn't she darling and so serious. Thanks for sharing her. :)Bea

  11. what a gorgeous entry.
    such a beautiful collage of these faces

  12. I really like what you have done with this picture. Thanks for the image and I loved the rooster picture. Which photo shop do you use? I am still struggling trying to figure out some of the "how to's".

  13. Elizabeth, I've been away for too long! Thanks for sharing your images - I really like this little girl and what you did on the 'grid'! Thanks for that comment about my DOTD jewellery... much appreciated!
    I found the Art Journal surgery fascinating. I'm sure that will come in handy as I work in mine! =)


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.