Thursday, October 15, 2009

Three Muses Challenge - Hair

Mirror Mirror

This weeks TheThree Muses Challenge is Hair. Something I know a little about. My hair is at least several feet long. It is down past my waist. Yes, I know I need a haircut. Having long hair is so easy though. You just wrap it up on top of your head, or braid it, or just let it fall. You don't have to curl it or gel it or really mess with it too much. It is really blonde - yes, my real color. Here is a secret I don't tell many - I dye my hair to make it darker, it is so light it sometimes washes me my face out. I have always wanted red hair - that lush Irish red like the woman in Dante Rossetti's painting.


  1. Beautiful work - gorgeous collage! I too have very long hair and naturally blond and straight- but for me it's a lot of work! I've been tempted to cut it but haven't yet ( a little out of fear of change)! Anyway, I love your post, lovely art and words!

  2. Thanks for sharing your "hair story". I have to say I visited the works of Rosetti after I saw this, and enjoyed all his art featuring this particular model. You've chosen my favorite as well.

  3. Well, now, there's something I didn't know. The last time I had long hair was 36 years ago. I cut it short and haven't ever looked back. I have no talent when it comes to hair, it's just there.
    Gotta love her hair, though....just beautiful :)Bea

  4. Beautiful image! Long ago I had long blond hair. But now it's short and that's so much easier for me. But sometimes I dye it in a red color and then I'm sorry it isn't long anymore. Because long red hair..... sigh!

  5. She's lovely. I had long hair as a child, but have found that I look better with short hair as an adult. I cut my own...which can be dicey, but I figure it'll grow out again! Two of my daughters have donated their fabulous tresses to Locks of Love---a total of 44 inches!

  6. Beautiful painting, Elizabeth, you made a perfect choice for your entry this week!

  7. I just love Blogland! Not only do we see beautiful art, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but a post from one person opens a box of stories and reminiscences about the subject at hand - and this week it is hair.
    Your "Mirror, mirror" is fabulous. I love the background and your story. Your blog page is a fabulous treat with all its colour and artistry. Your art journals are scrumptious.
    Standing ovation from me!

  8. Elizabeth this is truly awesome, I just love everything you do. Bravo my friend.

  9. What a beautiful site you've created. I love it.

    I just wanted to add that you do NOT need a hair cut :)
    long hair is wonderful and let me introduce you to a wonderful site about long hair and everything about hair care, updos, braids etc.
    They are a wonderful group of people!



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