Thursday, November 19, 2009

Freebies - Celestial Charts, Globes, and Spheres

This week's freebies are some celestial charts, a couple of awesome globes and a sphere or two. A couple of these I purchased long ago as a starry eyed college student. In my quest to declutter, reorganize and recycle I ran across some of these in a chest. Then in one of my journaling groups someone/Sox was looking for some so it just seemed like the right time to share a few more with you.

This weekend is my finish up all outstanding projects weekend. Hopefully I will have some time to start on a few journals for next year. I have decided to use a few of these charts as covers and inserts. I will share them with you as they develop. I hope you can find a place in your art for some of these.

I love this one. It was the first one I bought. The mariners compass just did me in.

Isn't the pink with the cherubs great?

Wow! This impressed me with such inferior instruments they could figure this all out. Math really helps.

My favorite globes!

I wish I could read this. Long ago someone gave me the gist of this but I have two or three that are similar and I can't remember. If anyone knows let me know.


  1. Each of these is so beautiful. Makes you dream of far away places, women dressed in flowing gowns, and sailing ships. Thank you! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. Oh Elizabeth!!! These are truly exquisite!!!! I know that I will be using these for sure. Thank you so much for sharing such beautiful treasures with us. Love, Jamie

  3. i love these!!!! i just love vintage maps. and i've never seen astrology ones! thanks for posting.

  4. Thank you so much. Sox here. Glad I prompted you to post them, they are outstanding. As for the last one, it's in French, so I can help here. The header says: New map of the sphere to display the movement of the planets and their revolutions, with historical remarks to lead to this knowledge.
    The headers say: Remarks on the various movements of the earth; remarks on the movements and the arrangements of the planets; remarks on the sphere; following the remarks on the sphere; how Copernicus hypothesis conforms to the laws of movements and nature; inconveniences and difficulties arising from Ptolomee and Ticho Bratie systems.
    More than you ever wanted to know, I'm sure.... Thanks a million. Sox

  5. oh wow!!! these pieces are so amazing...lovely collection!!!

  6. I have a new computer & I'm in need of some excellent new images...Thanks so much, these are amazing! :)

  7. Thanks so much for these beauties and for your constant encouragement through your blog. I read it every day and am inspired each time.

  8. Gorgeous! Thanks for the freebies!

  9. Thank you for sharing; these are gorgeous and I look forward to creating with them!

  10. These are awesome--thanks for sharing them!

  11. Elizabeth, these are amazing! wow!

    (ps. I read the Elm Creek books, too--The Lost Quilter is great!)'


  12. These images are spectacular! They are prompts in themselves to get you arting!!! Thanks for sharing. Leanne.

  13. These are just beautiful - thank you so much! I agree with the above comment from MMM!


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