Sunday, November 15, 2009

Freebies - Thanksgiving

This week I am late getting out my freebies. Thursday night we had terrible wind gusts and a high tide three times it's normal size. Somewhere in there we had a five hour power outage. Although I have a heavy duty surge protector my computer does not like power outages. Friday morning my desk top with all my images was down and out. Luckily I have a great computer doctor and he was able to resolve everything and get me up and running. So without further ado - here are the freebies.

Yum Pumpkin Pie!

They are so sweet.

I love mince pie.

This is a little Zetti Thanksgiving Greeting!


  1. These are great Elizabeth; thanks for sharing. Glad you came out of the storm okay!

  2. So glad you got your computer problems resolved! Love these images--thanks so much for sharing them!

  3. So happy to hear that you've made it through the storm AND the computer outage! Blessings on your computer doctor and you for these great images! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Love these images! Thanks for sharing them!


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