Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I am wishing everyone in the States a safe and happy Thanksgiving. If you are not here in the states, I wish you a wonderful weekend full of creativity, good food and company. One of the things I am the most thankful for is all of the wonderful, talented and kind people I have met this year through my blog. You have all become "old" friends. I thank you for letting me get to know you all.

One of the traditions my family has at dinner time is after the blessing we go around the table to say what we are thankful for. At first, my children would have silly things to be thankful for. As they grew and got a taste of life, they became more thankful for the little things. This year when it is my turn I will be thankful for the little things that make my life so rich and full.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope it’s a great day of sharing and spending time with your family and friends!


  2. Elizabeth, thanks for your lovely greetings to those not there in the States. We don't have anything like Thanksgiving here in Australia, more's the pity.
    May I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. It is a wonderful tradition.


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