Monday, November 9, 2009

Make Ahead Cranberry Relish

The Holiday Season is approaching fast. This year I have vowed to have a relaxing time. I am going to prepare as many dishes as I can ahead of time so I can spend more time with my family and friends. This is the first of several recipes I intend to share with you. I am making this today for the holidays.

Cranberry Relish

4 medium oranges seeded
2 pounds of cranberries
4 medium unpeeled apples, cored
4 cups sugar

Take the yellow peel from the oranges, trim and discard the white part. Put orange pulp and yellow peel, cranberries and apples through a food chopper. Add sugar and mix well. For a more orangey taste you can omit the apples, but we love apples and they add a crunch to the relish.
Cover and refrigerate. Serve when chilled.
OR pour into glass jars, leaving 1/2 inch head space. Seal and freeze.
Makes 4 pints. Take jar/s out of freezer into refrigerator the morning of your Holiday Dinner to thaw.
[This is also great on top of cheesecake]


  1. Oh, I've made this one before and I have to admit I'm a real piggy when it comes to eating it. ALL OF IT! I love this stuff, by it's self, on crackers,'s a good one. :)Bea

  2. What a luscious photo! And the recipe sounds delicious too. When you mentioned topping cheesecake with this, my mouth began to water!!! LOL! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. Oh this sounds sooo good on cheesecake!

  4. Great recipe, I might just have to make this.

  5. OH MY GOSH!!! That sounds delish! And sooooo easy. I love it : )


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