Friday, December 11, 2009

Art Creations Friday - Looking Toward the New Year

This week for the Art Creations Friday challenge we were given this beautiful Mediterranean woman image from Art Freebies. She reminds me of a fortune teller. I just sort of went from there. Wouldn't it be nice to know your fortune for the New Year? I guess that is part of the promise of the New Year. It can be anything you want to make it.


  1. Too perfect! Love the background!

  2. Very very nice creation.
    Love the beautiful background.

  3. love it, it's beautiful. love the fortunewheel!!

  4. Isn't she pretty. Thanks for the heads up about the online class. Looks interesting. I think I'll sign up. I'm also going to take a pretty comprehensive online class on digital imaging.
    Big steps for me. :)Bea
    P.S. Your beautiful picture has a place of honor now, in the new studio. I just love looking at it.

  5. I like the entire sentiment you've evoked here... Lovely background to your fortune-teller.

  6. Beautiful piece, with a great background, well done!!

  7. This is so serene and hopeful!! I love the gypsy woman!

  8. Beautiful fortuneteller, Elizabeth. The background looks great.

  9. very thought provoking pose, beautiful subtle background, M

  10. what an awesome background and very beautiful entry.


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