Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Guess Who is Hanging Out in the Neighborhood?

Guess who is hanging out in the wildlife area behind my house? Yes, a Black Bear. Ahhh! About 4:30 this afternoon the house phone, the cell phones all started ringing. Our neighborhood has a messaging system that goes out for hurricane evacuation, trouble in the neighborhood, rabid animals, etc... Today was we have a black bear that has wandered in and taken up residency in one of the natural - green - areas. My back yard abuts up to one of these areas. The North Carolina Department of Wildlife has declined to take out a removal and relocation permit. We are to remove all bird feeders, any outside pet food and secure our trash cans. Oh boy.

Did I happen to mention that my neighborhood use to be the stocked hunting grounds of Pembroke Jones? We have a managed herd of deer, coyotes, fox, a bobcat, possum, raccoon, a large variety of birds, and otters. Sounds like pretty good pickin's for the bear. I think they think this bear is like this goofy zoo bear picture below. I guess the good news is they are pretty docile. They are only known to attack humans if they feel threatened. [I hope.]

After doing a lot of googling I am amazed that it is this far east. How did it get here? Maybe it decided to go for a stroll on the beach. ha! Now if I was in the mountains I wouldn't think twice about this. I would already be on the look out. But here? I just hope the poor thing doesn't get hurt by a human or a car.


  1. What's been happening with the bears lately? How unusual, Elizabeth. Apparently, we've got one that's been visiting our neighborhood too. The watch system went into effect a few weeks ago, so we're all on bear watch. Quite unusual, because we're in the suburbs only about an hour away from New York City. I hope we all stay safe - including our bears! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. No more birds at the feeder watching for awhile! Police had to shoot a bear out of a tree in the northern suburbs of the Twin Cities recently. Be careful!!


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