Friday, January 15, 2010

An Angel for Haiti

This morning I turned on the news while I was getting ready for the day. The news out of Haiti seemed grimmer and grimmer. I don't know if you have ever been there, but it is a very poor nation. It is hard to believe the swanky resorts of the Dominican Republic are on one side and then Haiti on the other. I can only imagine the devastation.

This is the Weeping Angel or the Angel of Sorrow. She was made for the wife of the sculptor - Story. I decided that she pretty much sums up how the survivors are feeling right now. I am hoping that there are angels watching over the people and their loved ones in Haiti. The world is weeping with you.

Last night, today and through the next couple of days, soldiers [over 900] and Marines [3,000] from North Carolina leave on a mission to help the people of Haiti. They are going to be facing some tough days. I am hoping you will join me in a little prayer that these men and women have a safe journey on this mission.


  1. This is the most moving piece by the sculptor. Thank you for sharing, and your voice joins that of so many of us who are touched beyond belief by the dreadful tragedy in Haiti.

  2. Beautiful piece.
    I'm off to the Red Cross to donate blood and a donation for the Haiti Relief Fund. Least I can do, I've donated before so I'm good to go.

  3. Beautiful, heartfelt post today, Elizabeth. Prayers and thoughts are being sent to the heavens as we 'speak'. The sorrow and suffering is unimaginable. Blessings, Terri xoxo

  4. GOOD Night :o)
    from Hamburg...

    Sleep still an nice :-)


  5. Absoluetly beautiful and very moving!

  6. What a beautiful tribute.
    Even God must be crying for the devestation there. It is almost unimaginable!

  7. Such a moving and beautiful tribute Elizabeth. Our prayers go out to the people in Haiti and those dear souls who are on their way to help.

  8. Thanks, Elizabeth, for this post. I posted a link to support options but nothing this lovely or eloquent. And yes, I will join you in a prayer.

  9. This is a gorgeous piece, Elizabeth & a beautiful post.

  10. This is lovely! And I couldn't agree more with regards to your sentiments about Haiti! The entire country is indeed in my prayers!

  11. What a fabulous tribute! It is so beautiful! I came over to view your Art Creations Friday piece and found this one first and fell in love with it! What a wonderful Artist you are Elizabeth!

  12. did you digitally do this piece? Would you care if I used it on my sidebar of my is awesome and they have my prayers..........


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